Saturday, April 4, 2020

Golden King of Abrakhan

Another great eBay find before the world shut down due to COVID-19!
I've ordered lots of single miniatures on eBay, though many of them have not showed up, I'm sure there are transport difficulties in lots of places at the moment.
One that did show up was the Golden King of Abrakhan for my Harad army.
I'm also making him a "tough girl" harem using miniatures from other ranges (because there are almost no female LotR models.

So far I've got two, I carved off their hair and added some turbans.

I figured the Abrakhan Guard are ridiculously cartoony with their huge swords and huger guts so why not make my own Abrakhan Guard that are similarly silly.

So here you can see the King himself, flanked by two of his Harem (I haven't done any others yet) and some Watchers of Karna so you can see the same colour scheme I've used across the board for my Harad.

I tried to paint the flat sides and back as though they were wooden vertical planks. The lava base was fun, I put a stepping stone in the middle so that the poor guy at the back at least has something to try and step to! That amused me a lot =) The light is a bit bright on these photos!

So there you go, not a big deal, but a nice little project that I have spent a few minutes on here and there and a couple of weeks later it's done! 

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